You’ve heard the phrase, “Crazy cat lady” right? Well recently someone called me a crazy pet sitter. She was joking when she said it but it got me thinking.
If you’re a client of mine, you know that your pet is my priority. That might seem crazy to some; but not me.
If you aren’t a client and you’re on the fence about using our services, I hope this helps confirm that you do want us to care your pets. We have high standards and believe pets should be treated with kindness, compassion and responsible care. Our services aren’t provided by the kid next door and they’re premium services.

Examples of why we might not work well together
If you’re the type of pet parent that lets your kids abuse your dogs or torment your cat we won’t work well together. If you never take your pet to the veterinarian and you let them suffer with medical issues, let them suffer with flea allergies or skin conditions that make them miserable, then we won’t work well together.
No offense intended
Didn’t change the pee soaked dog bed or rug they lay on before your Myrtle Beach vacation or cruise to the Bahamas? No problem, we’ll take care of it. No offense intended but your dog will be comfy and will have clean bedding while I’m taking care of him. That’s my duty to him and that’s why I’m being paid.
Our beliefs on pet care need to match yours. You need to trust us to do our job the way we see fit, for the health and well-being of your pet. If there’s issues that we encounter that might need tweaking, please listen to my position and look at the situation from another point of view. My intention is to always keep your pet as healthy, happy and safe as I can but when my attempts to do that is met with resistance, then my conscience will dictate how I proceed. That’s what it’s about: a good fit and trust
Key Examples of Why Some Might Call Me A Crazy Pet Sitter
Clean toilets – for you and them
I believe that humans should have clean toilets to sit on and that cats should have clean litter boxes. I’m the crazy pet sitter who won’t be able to control the surprised look on my face when I walk into your consultation and see that your cat box so full of cat feces and urine that it’s practically a solid mass of yuck. Complete with flies and the smell you can imagine.
In addition to that, I believe that there should be enough cat litter in the box to completely cover the bottom. It should be deep enough so your kitties can cover their poo. But it doesn’t have to be deep enough so they can dig to China! Call me crazy but that’s simple cat 101 and if you don’t provide enough litter, we’ll buy more and add it to your bill.
Adequate water – for you and them
I believe that humans should be able to drink water when they’re thirsty and so should our pets. I’m a crazy pet sitter who might, no, let me emphasize this – WILL – ask why you never leave water outside for your dog to drink. Your idea of giving your dog water consists of a cup of food and water mixed together in one bowl, given twice a day.
You can call me crazy all you want but I know that’s not enough water for a 40lb dog in the summer. And your dog will have water left out for him to drink – all the time – especially if he’s an outside dog (unless there’s a medical reason or veterinarian prescription for water restriction).
Proper medical care – for you and them
I believe that if your pet was prescribed certain medication to live a healthy life, then he should get those as directed. Just as with humans, I believe that if a caregiver is lazy and fails to give their loved one their blood pressure medicine or thyroid pill, they’re committing medical neglect. I’m a crazy pet sitter and I believe that same policy applies to the pets in my care.
Clean, fresh water – for you and your outside cats
I’m a crazy pet sitter and I believe your outside cats should have clean and fresh water provided daily. Do I think it will stay clean and fresh all the time if the bowl is on your porch or in your yard? No. Not a chance. Hence the need for a daily visit. Debris can fall in it, the cats lap up water from their paws, bugs stop by for a drink. But, providing clean water when I visit is something that is a no-brainer.
Clean and proper bedding for rest – for you and them
I’m a crazy pet sitter and I believe humans should have clean and dry places to sleep and rest. Homeless individuals often sleep on cardboard, on dirt and on the undersides of bridges and underpasses and I’d love it if there was enough help for that to end. But many choose that path and make bad life choices, again and again, despite getting help. I believe that dogs should be able to sleep on a clean couch, bed or carpet that’s not saturated with dog piss.
Companionship – for you and them
I’m a crazy pet sitter and I believe cats get lonely. They need human companionship. Yes, there’s exceptions to this of course. Generally speaking, pet sitting clients of ours have cats that are friendly and thrive on human interaction. I feel it’s incredibly cruel to leave a cat alone for days and then expect your pet sitter to be able to come in, spend 15 minutes or maybe 30 if we’re lucky, clean the litter box, feed the kitty, give clean water, clean up any messes and spend quality time with kitty. If your cat is friendly and lovable, that 15 or 30 minutes will probably be spent loving on him. We need additional time to do the other tasks.
Seclusion is cruel – for you and them
Have you spent time in solitary confinement? I haven’t and never want to because I’d go crazy. Your dog is the same way. If he’s crated or sequestered to a room all by himself while you’re in bed, while you’re at work and even while you are home because ‘he gets on your nerves’, then you shouldn’t have a dog.
Crates aren’t meant to be punishment. Crates aren’t meant for a dog to live his entire live in. That’s abuse and I’ll suggest that you book extra visits when you’re scheduling your pet sitting. He needs to have adequate time outside of his crate and two 30 minute visits a day definitely won’t happen.
Our pet care services are great for many people and others may see our level of care as being over the top. That’s ok. We’re not here to please everyone and everyone is not our client. We want people who love their pets. We want people and clients who respect our beliefs on pet care, as we will respect theirs.
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Our services are available in Muncie, Yorktown, Anderson, Hartford City, Pendleton, New Castle, Fishers, Noblesville and Indianapolis, Indiana areas.
Kelley Stewart, CEO|Pet Sitter
sit-stay-play In-home pet sitting & more.LLC