Do your degus cause a commotion when they’re hungry?
Does your sugar glider fly around like crazy when left alone for too long?
sit-stay-play In-home pet sitting & provides exotic pet care services in Muncie, Anderson and in the Indianapolis areas. It’s not just dogs and cats here at sit-stay-play, it’s hamsters, chinchillas, rats and reptiles too! We even take care of chickens and farm animals.
While most of the exotic pets we’ve taken care of belong to Ball State students, we’ll try and help anyone who needs our help so just call us or fill out the form below to get started.
We understand finances may be an issue if you’re a college student, but we urge you to talk with us and see if we can help before you leave your pets alone or leave roommates in charge. We do have discount options available to help people out.
“Why Trust A Professional When Your Roommate Can Help?”
“I had my roommates watch my turtle, snake and degu when I went back home during Christmas break. I trusted that everything would be fine. It wasn’t. The apartment complex turned the heat to the emergency setting (which basically turned the heat off) during break and my roommates didn’t adjust it, nor did they stick around the apartment to make sure the power stayed on. My turtle and snake died because the heat lamps and heat rock got shut off. The temperature of the water probably froze my turtle. The degu was almost dead when I got home. I rushed him to an emergency veterinarian in Indianapolis and he made it through. Never again will I trust my roommates to watch my pets.” Nate
“All pets, regardless of species or size deserve to have compassionate and dependable pet care – we can help.”
If you don’t have someone you can completely trust to be in your home or apartment to provide pet care, give us a call. If you need services to start within 3 days, call immediately or fill out this form; we’d love to talk to you!
Our pet care providers are trained to work with a variety of animals including the ones listed below.
Exotic Pet Care for Ball State, Muncie, Anderson and Yorktown
Lizard Geckos
Sugar Gliders
Pot-bellied Pigs
Hermit Crabs
Exotic Pet Care Service Areas
Muncie Yorktown Anderson New Castle Albany Daleville Chesterfield and most nearby areas
How Often Do We Visit Your Exotic Pet
Visits can be scheduled 1 to 4 times per day or every other day for pets that don’t require daily visits. We provide fresh food, water, medicine if needed and of course, TLC. Scroll down to fill out the form or to send a message.
Are you thinking about getting an exotic pet?
Visit this site to read how to select one that’s right for you, safety issues to think about, ethical issues with owning an exotic pet and other important information.