Ok, don’t laugh. In the video you’ll see me having an emotional moment as I take mom Penny and foster kittens to PetSmart…for those of you that foster animals and pets, you probably know my pain and I’ve got a question fellow fosterers: Does it get easier???? Gah, I hope so.
So here’s how all this came to be…
Back in early March I got a call from the adoption coordinator from Action for Animals. She asked if I would foster a pregnant mom, I said yes.
For the next week and a half I spent time getting to know her and figuring out what she liked, didn’t like, that type of thing. She looked like she would pop any day so I had everything prepared in case I wasn’t home and she went into labor.
Luckily I was home when labor started and let me tell you this, if you haven’t seen a new momma kitty freak out and try to break out of a room with a kitten dangling between her legs then count yourself lucky. I was traumatized!
Anyway, she delivered 5 healthy kittens – thanks to me stepping in to help her, coach her, snip the umbilical cords off and then proceed to clean all the babies. That was around March 15.
Time to Get Adopted!
Flash forward to yesterday, July 3. Time to take them to Muncie PetSmart to be put on the adoption floor. We had our last morning play session before they went to Animal Medical Center for their microchipping appointment then made the long ride out to Morrison Road.
When I helped the other Action for Animals volunteer load up the kitties, my heart was pounding and my stomach was in knots. All 6 kitties were quite nervous after being shuffled from one place to the next and now their crates were plopped in carts and were wheeled into the store. Their pupils were dilated and their ears were down and flat.
Elvie is looking for a forever home. Adopt him from Muncie PetSmart.
Once inside we figured out what cages they were to go in and I had the privilege of writing the little cards about each one – that was a first!
So once everyone was settled in their new home away from foster home, I waited.
Everyone that walked around the cat area stopped and looked at ‘my kitties’. I went into my spiel about fostering and that they were JUST brought in and that I hoped they got good homes.
The whole time I was there I was on the verge of tears. Thankfully Action for Animals does a good job screening potential applicants and someone just can’t come in, pay their money and pick out a cat. It’s not that simple. And this is the way it should be everywhere in my opinion. There should be a ‘waiting period’ because how many times have you done something on the spur of the moment and it turned out to be a bad decision? I know there are situations where animals come into a person’s life and it’s wonderful but we like to be cautious in these situations.
These cats and kittens depend on us to find them good homes. They depend on foster coordinators and adoption screeners to ask the right questions, probe a little deeper if necessary and evaluate fairly.
A Gift for Adopters!
You already know that I hope momma Penny and her babies all find great homes and to sweeten the deal just a little, if you adopt any of these kittens or mom and live in Muncie, Anderson, New Castle or other city close by, I have a special gift for you.
As my way of saying THANK YOU for opening your home and heart to these babies, I’ll give you 2 free cat sitting visits ($40 value). Just send a message to https://sit-stay-play.com/contact and let us know who you adopted and we’ll get your free cat sitting visits scheduled.
Madgie is waiting for a new family. Is that you?
And if you’re reading this and want to meet Elvie (m), Frankie (m), Lucy (f), Charli (f) or Madgie (f) please do so soon. Understand that these kittens (and mom) were raised in a quiet home. They weren’t raised around screaming kids and toddlers picking them up and being rough with them. They were raised with 2 doggies that were gentle and enjoyed the company of cats. They were raised in an enriching environment and weren’t held against their will or forced to cuddle with kids or adults that don’t know how to be gentle. They had a little girl that liked to play with them and love them on their own terms.
Charli wants a new family. She’s waiting at Muncie PetSmart.
These kittens (and mom) will likely be traumatized if taken into a home where crazy and chaos is all around them – definitely not what I want to happen!
Please keep these things in mind when you seek a new pet to adopt. Take their feelings into consideration. Be respectful of where they came from and try to do right by them. Don’t force a dog or puppy, cat or kitten to be groped and manhandled by your little girl that wants a kitten for her birthday. Teach your kids how to love pets and how to care for them appropriately. Be observant and read the body language of a pet that you’re looking to adopt. Watch them when you take them home to make sure no one is harming them in your home (especially children).
Lovable Frankie is waiting for a new family to call his own.
Cat Specifics
All are spayed/neutered, microchipped and current on vaccinations courtesy of Action for Animals.
I’d like to publicly thank Amy Shears of Fur in Focus for taking awesome pictures of these babies!!
P.S. Don’t forget to contact us at https://sit-stay-play.com/contact if you adopted one or more of these guys and you’ll get two free cat sitting visits!! We’ve been caring for cats professionally since 2008 and would love to help you out.
P.P.S. Did you know that each one of these kittens are named after musicians? Ever since I started fostering I go with this theme and this batch of babies are named after: Charli (Pride or Daniels), Madgie (Madonna), Frankie (Lymon), Elvie (Costello) and Penny (Ford), Lucy (Lawless and Xena the Warrior Princess).