Do you automatically get a scowl on your face and get a negative attitude when you have to take your vehicle to the mechanic?
I usually get grouchy because I know a ton of money is going to be tossed down to fix possibly a minor problem. But I have good news!! I found a mechanic who I love, trust and recommend and I can continue to think positive.
Think Positive, Be Productive, Find A Good Mechanic
So why am I writing an article on staying positive and a mechanic? Simple. If you own a vehicle you can identify with the feeling of, “Oh man, I gotta take my truck into the shop but just don’t have time” and, changing your way of thinking can turn a negative into a positive.
Having the ability to think positive about an icky situation or putting positive energy into a mechanical problem takes work, a mind shift and practice. LOTS of practice.
Dependable Vehicle is a Must
As a professional pet sitter, my vehicle is a necessity. Finding a reliable and reasonably priced mechanic can be like walking through a 12ft tall corn maze full of obstacles and pits. But I can say I’ve found one that keeps my truck running in the best condition possible. And as someone with an older vehicle, maintenance issues seem to pop up at the most inopportune times unfortunately. But hey, I’ll take this over a car payment any day!!
So here’s a snapshot of my little ‘work-station’…I’ve set up shop, complete with wifi, power strip, laptop, tablet, cell and paper for note taking, while my mechanic, Michael Lykens at Cornfed Customs is getting my truck all fixed up. It’s not a place for girly girls who like a clean waiting area or a clean bathroom. Be prepared to get something on your clothing when you take your ride in this shop. If you can’t be comfortable in a well-used mechanic’s garage than you might go somewhere else. I’m cool with it, however. Except my feet! My feet are froze from standing on the cold concrete for 2+ hours. Check out the picture…the tall speaker is my modified desk 🙂

Did I mention MAX 93.5 is pumping full throttle over their sound system?!?! Groups like The Stones, Stevie Nicks, Presidents of The United States, Tom Petty, Boston and all kinds of other good music keeps me going while multi-tasking. So far, this is what I’ve accomplished:
- moved pictures from Dropbox to my usb;
- edited 125 pictures;
- created a YouTube video of our 3rd annual dog-diggity Easter egg hunt;
- tweaked my YouTube channel; and
- started two other articles which will go live later this week.
Where Can You Sneak Work Time In?
What activities do you dislike? Is it possible to multi-task and knock down your to-do list while your truck is getting fixed? What can you accomplish while waiting at the doctor’s office? How about at a restaurant waiting for your food? Only if you’re dining alone, of course.
What makes you bitch and complain when you have to do it?
Let me bring this ship back around to the topic of pet sitting…
Do you dread cleaning litter boxes? Do some squats while you’re scooping the poop. Or do some standing crunches or side leg lifts. Be careful though, you don’t want to lose your balance and fall in the litter box!
Do you start to feel frustrated with situations out of your control? Or feel frustrated and sad when you encounter a dog that has NO leash manners? You can help!
How To Create That Mind Shift And Think Positive In Whatever You’re Doing
Being a professional pet sitter allows you to work with pets that are well adjusted, as well as those that have issues. You can use the power of positive thinking to help create the type of pet you want while you’re pet sitting.
Here’s some simple tips when encountering a less-than-well-behaved dog:
- Take time to practice calm, assertive energy. Don’t panic or get upset with the dog you’re about to work with.
- Breathe slowly, walk in the house with confidence.
- Greet the dog with positive energy.
- Envision how you want the dog to act and don’t let the current situation block that image. I can speak from experience that this works SO MANY TIMES. Instead of thinking negative thoughts about the dog, I shift those thoughts to his parents. Maybe they feel the same way and live in frustration because their dog is so unruly! Maybe they’ve been contemplating getting rid of him because of his behaviors. You can help. You can use correct techniques to walk the dog and then teach his parents. That’s in your power and you can do it from my changed mindset.
You see, we all have things we don’t like doing but if you can put a spin on it and thinking positive you’ll come out on the other side. From that vantage point you can look back and see the many things you accomplished.
Do you hate walking your dog? Or scooping the litter box? Or scooping the poop in the backyard? We can help with all of this, contact us to see how we can help.
Stay positive and productive,
Kelley Stewart, CEO|Pet Sitter
sit-stay-play In-home pet sitting & more.LLC
Proudly serving: Muncie, Anderson, Daleville, Yorktown, Albany, Gaston, Hartford City, Redkey, Lapel, Fishers, Noblesville, New Castle and other areas by special request.