Jobs in the Muncie pet care industry are available today!
sit-stay-play In-home pet sitting & more.LLC wants to work with individuals that are caring, compassionate, outgoing, friendly and dependable. Potential applicants will undergo a local and nationwide background check prior to working in any client homes. And we have work from home jobs available! Click here to fill out the online employment questionnaire.
sit-stay-play’s Company Culture
Our company culture is relaxed in nature but attention to detail is a necessity. Candidates must be clean, have a professional appearance and be able to be on time because many pets require medicine and/or have medical issues.
Working Conditions for Jobs in the Muncie Pet Care Industry
Generally, you’ll work on your own. You’ll establish your own schedules according to what our clients request.
If you’re the type of person who needs to have a set schedule or require a certain income per week, this isn’t the job for you. Why? Because we can’t guarantee specific jobs, hours or amounts you’ll earn. This opportunity is for individuals that want EXTRA income.
However, there are certain jobs that will pay a set amount per week (admin work, event work and pet nail trim assistant).
Pet care providers will work in all weather conditions, including heat, rain, storms, snow and sleet. You’ll need to drive to each visit as well. If you have a difficult time driving after dark or during rain or snow, your opportunity for jobs will be slim.
Work Schedule/Income for Pet Care Providers
Jobs in the Muncie pet care industry can be temporary or more lengthy in nature. Your ability to earn money is reflected by your commitment and work ethic as well as our pet care job openings. However, the more pet care job requests we have, the more opportunity you have to work.
Starting wages for most pet sitters and pet care providers is $8 per visit. Most visits are 15-30 minutes.
We offer a $.50 bonus after 90 days and another $.50 raise at 6 months. These raises are given if you perform every visit you agree to work and have good work performance.
The pay for marketing assistants is flexible and is based on the job. We can discuss this when you interview.
Service Area
Our service area covers roughly an 30 mile radius of Muncie, Indiana currently. Having a dependable vehicle is mandatory. Furthermore, candidates must have a working cell phone with internet access while they’re providing pet care services for sit-stay-play.
Our long term goal is to have pet care providers in all Indiana counties and be the leader in the Indiana pet sitting and dog walking market. If you’re looking for jobs in the pet care industry, this is it. There’s opportunity for the right candidates.

Jobs In The Muncie Pet Care Industry
Pet Sitting Jobs
Duties vary job by job but in general, these are the things you can expect to do or be responsible for:
- Familiarize yourself with pets before entering client home
- Review what tasks clients want done
- Secure house, setting codes and alarms
- Clean up any pet mess (vomit, feces, urine, destroyed toys and house items)
- Bring in mail, packages
- Secure yard gate prior to dog going outside
- Latch crates correctly
- Drive to/from client home
- Maintain accurate time records of visits and mileage
- Exhibit professional behavior while in client home
- Communicate with sit-stay-play office regarding visit updates
- Keep client keys, codes, garage door openers, key fobs safe and secure
Overnight Pet Sitting Jobs
Overnight pet sitters should be prepared to stay at a client’s home for 9 solid hours:
- Arrive at client home between 9:00 -11:00 pm
- Stay at client home throughout the night, leaving between 6:00 – 8:00 am
- Complete tasks that client requests (feeding, watering, medicating pets, etc.)
- Maintain professional behavior while in client home
- Keep accurate time records and mileage records
- Keep keys and codes safe and secure
- Provide visit updates to sit-stay-play office
Dog Walking
Typical dog walking responsibilities include:
- Familiarize yourself with dog history, behavior and needs prior to arriving at client home
- Check that harness and/or collar fits appropriately prior to walk
- Make sure leash is in good condition
- Keep dog safe and injury free while on walk
- Check road/sidewalk temperature when it’s hot to prevent burnt paws
- Limit exposure to cold weather to prevent frostbite
- Pick up all pet waste and disposing in appropriate place
- Know how to handle a situation if a strange dog approaches
Poop Scooping
Poop scooping locations will vary but generally poop scoopers will:
- Use their own tools to complete the jobs
- Remove pet waste from yard/kennel/litter boxes
- Sanitize and disinfecting tools when finished
- Dispose of pet waste appropriately
- Keep accurate records of visits, mileage and time involved
- Inform sit-stay-play if any foreign bodies are found in pet waste or if worms, blood or loose stool is present
Farm Sitting
Farm sitting jobs vary and can be very labor intensive. We expect farm sitters to have a basic understanding of farm animal husbandry including how to handle the animals, how to feed, signs of injury or stress. Farm sitters will:
- Secure premises, gates, latches, sheds, fences
- Familiarize themselves to the job tasks prior to arrival
- Perform job duties as requested by client
- Keep accurate records of time spent at job and mileage
- Make sure all animals are fed, watered, medicated, quarantined or put in their appropriate locations before leaving the property
- Communicate with sit-stay-play regarding job issues
Pet Photographers
Most of the pictures on our website and marketing material are pictures of our clients. We’d love to have a person with photography skills to join our team and help us take better pictures PLUS be on hand when we have events. Pictures with the Easter bunny and Santa are popular events we host and having a photographer on staff would help make the events better for us, clients and the public. Contact us.
Bloggers and Social Media Assistants
Bloggers and social media assistants are always needed. Guest bloggers can write on popular pet-related topics and topics relevant to our client base. Bloggers are paid by the article. Affiliate links and link exchange is possible. Contact us
Event Assistants
Jobs in the pet care industry include event assistants. Event assistant duties vary depending on the event but in general these are the duties:
Loading/unloading vehicles, helping to set up display booth/table, helping to collect names from attendees (at pet nail trim events), talking to potential clients, handing out marketing material, building relationships with the public, helping promote our brand, helping us in local parades by walking a dog or wearing a costume and passing out material.
Marketing Assistants
Marketing assistants will generally be our hands and feet for getting our marketing material in the community. We have routes in the Muncie area we place advertising material in and our marketing assistants are responsible for posting new flyers. Marketing assistant jobs are needing filled in Anderson, Albany, Gaston, Hartford City, New Castle, Chesterfield and Daleville areas. We provide all the material and schedules for posting, marketing assistants would be responsible for following the scheduling and making sure to pick up new materials. Contact us for a job application
We’ll contact you by the email address you provide if we want to talk to you further. Be sure to send your resume and cover letter to the address near the end of the questionnaire.
Thank you for your interest,
Kelley Stewart, CEO|Pet Sitter
sit-stay-play In-home pet sitting & more.LLC
P.S. If you’re going to one of our open interview sessions just bring your resume and cover letter with you. Click this link to fill out the online questionnaire.