Dog Messes In Crate? Your Dog Walker Will Clean It Up
Recently one of our dog walkers went to visit a little Dachshund and when she opened the door to the house, the odor of poop smacked her in the face, took her breath away and almost made her toss her cookies.
She immediately put her hand over her nose and mouth and walked to where Scooter, cowering in her crate. She knew she did something bad but she was confined to her crate and obviously, ‘had to go’ and couldn’t wait till we got there or her mom got home from work.
Our dog walker gathered towels and was prepared to immediately pick up Scooter and rush her outside to finish her business (if she had any left). After that, the dog walker brought her back inside and gave her a bath. There was no way she could leave Scooter in that condition!
Once she was cleaned the walker proceeded to THE CRATE. The stinky, nasty crate.
She hosed it down in the yard then brought it back in and actually cleaned it. Luckily our client had cleaning supplies and old towels for messes like this and our walker knew where everything was.
Before the dog walker left the client’s house, she texted the client with an update and told her where she put all the dirty towels (in garage) and that she gave Scooter a bath.

Dog Messes In Crate? Your Dog Walker Will Clean It Up
Of course we will! Who would leave something like that?
During our consultation with you, we’ll ask where you keep your cleaning supplies, old towels and rags for cleaning. We might ask where you keep trash bags so if something ever happens like this in your home, we can put any dirty towels, dog toys, dog blankets or any other thing in that needs to be cleaned separately.
Why Hire A Dog Walker?
In the video above we talk about how we handle dog messes in crates and in the real life situation that happened above was intercepted by the dog walker. Our client didn’t have to come home from a hard day of work and clean her dog and the crate, we took care of it.
But there are cases where the dog goes AGAIN (poor thing) after we leave. We have no control over that, much like they have no control of their bodies: when ya gotta go, ya gotta go!
So if your dog walker was scheduled to visit your home and you walk in to a mess in the crate, or on your carpet from your cat or free roaming dog, that happened after we left. Our pet sitters and walkers would never leave messes for our clients to clean up.
Hiring a dog walker will be a benefit to you if you know your dog is having ‘digestive issues’ or medical issues.
Hiring a dog walker to come on the days you know you’re going to get home later than normal will alleviate your poor dog having to ‘hold it’ until you get home.
Hiring a dog walker will give you more time in your day.
Hiring a dog walker will help your dog be HAPPIER. A happy dog = a happy dog mom or dad.
So if you constantly come home to dog messes in the crate, maybe it’s time to hire a dog walker?
We have a limited time special going on right now for new clients.
Contact us now to get the details!
Thanks for reading,
Kelley Stewart, CEO|Pet Sitter
sit-stay-play In-home pet sitting & more.LLC
Providing compassionate and dependable pet care and dog walking in Muncie, Anderson, Carmel, Fishers, Noblesville, South Bend
#DogWalking #PetSitting