2018 is turning out to be an exciting year involving a (short) but exciting and adventurous trip to California and Texas.
Want to know how I’m able to get away from the pet sitting jobs, life and take these excellent trips? Hard work and great people to pick up the slack.
I work my tail off most day so I can enjoy short vacations when possible. I’m not kidding when I say I’d like these little jaunts to be longer and more frequently but hey, time (and money) doesn’t permit that this season.
However, this California trip has been in the making for several years now once I learned about the Salton Sea, Slab City, East Jesus, Salvation Mountain in Niland and Desert Shores. Thanks to an Abandoned episode on Vice I learned about these areas and I’ve been busting at the seams waiting to experience these remarkable American treasures myself.
So this year is it. A short and adventurous excursion out in the desert, just me, my camera and phone. I’ll get some shut in in an hostel or airbnb but not before I explore beautiful San Diego.
San Diego Adventure
Once arriving in San Diego, the clock starts ticking. I only have 11 hours to get in the sites I want to see and drive close to 3 hours to reach Desert Shores and the Salton Sea area.
While I’m in San Diego these are some of the things on my bucket list:
- Mission Bay
- Take a run along the boardwalk
- Possibly rent a stand up paddleboard
- Coronado Dog Beach
- Bayshore Bikeway – Coronado
- Take a run, explore Coronado Island
- Cat Café
- Love on some kitties!
Now it’s off to Desert Shores, California…
Exploration and pictures are my main goals here. Plus, eating and mingling with locals 🙂
Salton Sea Exploration
Here’s a short video… beware of curse words!
My goal here is to explore and take pictures of as many abandoned homes, yacht clubs, hotels, trailers, businesses and swimming pools as possible. My favorite skateboard’s gotta stay home this trip but seriously, I’d love to get in one of the abandoned pools and roll around (I’m no Rick McCrank but he’d be happy that he’s converted another person to this fun and adrenaline-filled sport).
If you haven’t looked at pictures and videos of the Salton Sea during it’s prime, you’re missing out. This ocean in the desert was the hot spot. Celebrities and people looking to get away from the hustle and bustle of California flocked to the area. It was the place to see and be seen.
As I scroll through google images and YouTube videos, it’s amazing that people just up and left their homes, their businesses, their livelihoods. I’m sure it took lots of thought and planning before they finally made the decision to move and it sorta reminds of Detroit and other cities where the economy has tanked and community leaves. The devastation upon the banking industry, housing market must be incredible. And, I’ve got to experience the remnants of this bygone era before it completely dries up and vanishes from the American memory.
Things I plan to visit here:
- Niland (where Salvation Mountain is located)
- Slab City Hostel
- Salton Sea State Park and Campground
- East Jesus (want to see all the curious and amazing artwork
After I get my adrenaline fix I’ll make the 3 hour trek back to San Diego, return the rental car and fly to San Antonio.
Once there these are the things I plan to do/see:
San Antonio Trip
- River Walk
- Brackenridge
- Visit San Antonio Central Library
- Meet up with a friend and have dinner, go salsa dancing maybe
Then, finally, I’ll drive to Schertz, Texas where I’ll be speaking at the Texas Pet Sitter’s Conference on Saturday. If you’re a professional pet sitter or pet care professional, registration is still open and it’s affordable. Local sitters should definitely check it out if you haven’t attended in the past. Visit their website here. Register for the conference here.

This trip is going to be a blast and I know I’ll be rushing around like a madwoman trying to get everything in but that’s ok…that’s part of the adventure! And I’m trying not to think about my presentation too much because every time I do my stomach gets queasy…that’s supposed to get easier, right?
Anyway, this trip wouldn’t be possible if I wasn’t attending the Texas Pet Sitter’s Conference so I’m thankful that Cathy, Michelle and Deanna invited me as a guest.
Here’s to a fun adventure,
Kelley Stewart, CEO|Pet Sitter
sit-stay-play In-home pet sitting & more.LLC
P.S. If you’re from the San Diego or San Antonio area or have travelled there in the past, let me know some hot spots I should visit if I have time.