Does My 2 Legged Dog Need Regular Walks On Leash?
Thump, thump, thump. Bark, bark, bark.
That’s what I hear when I open my front door. Almost every. Single. Time.
Sonny, my two-legged Chihuahua, seems to think that every time I leave he’s supposed to go. This little fella loves to go for walks as do my 4-legged dogs. Sonny and his brothers love to go on car rides and meet new people and new dog friends.
I’ve made a point to keep my dogs well socialized, before Sonny came along, and now that he’s here, I live by the same motto.
You see, socializing any dog, regardless of the number of legs they have is super important. I can hear you thinking,’ does my 2 legged dog need regular walks on leash?’. Yes, it’s important. Why?
If dogs are NOT socialized early and often this is what can happen:
- They can become fearful (of people, of other dogs, of noises, of places, of their shadow)
- They can develop unnecessary fears (of grass, of concrete floors, etc.)
- They can become aggressive
- They can become shy or timid
- They can become nippy
- They can develop negative habits in your home (barking incessantly, digging, chewing, etc.)
- They might not learn how to be polite around new people
- They might not learn how to walk politely on leash
So do these examples above apply to two-legged and three-legged dogs that aren’t socialized?

Yes. Most definitely.
Dogs of all breeds and sizes (and those with missing limbs) need regular walks on leash to keep their bodies and minds active.
They need walks to help PREVENT the 8 things above from happening or becoming bad habits.
They need socialization and walks to help keep their weight at healthy levels.
Dogs with missing limbs can benefit from wheelchairs and dog carts. Sonny has a wheelchair and gets around well in it. He also gets around well just with his little two legs but for walks on the sidewalk and in public places, we use a wheelchair which allows him to mingle and get around much quicker.
If you have a 2-legged or 3-legged dog, remember to walk them often. Keeping it positive will help make it a pleasurable experience for you and your pal.
We provide dog walking services here at SIT-STAY-PLAY and if you need help, don’t hesitate to give us a call or visit our web site. We provide services in Muncie, Anderson, Pendleton, Hartford City, Jay County, Fishers, Noblesville, Carmel and Indianapolis.
Happy walking (and rolling),
Kelley Stewart, CEO | Pet Sitter
sit-stay-play In-home pet sitting & more.LLC