Google Reviews For Sit-Stay-Play Pet Sitting

Did you find us via our Google reviews? If so, then yay!

Thanks to someone else taking the time write about their experience, you found us.

Some people write about their pet care services while others may tell others about their experience at our pet nail trim events. Whatever your reason for writing a review – we appreciate it, believe me! Click here to write one now.

Keeping Current (and Relevant) is Important

People often look on Google to find what they need and being that the world is a little crazy now because of covid-19, it’s changed how many of us are working, relaxing, educating and caring for our pets.

That’s why we’ve had to adjust many things in our business and offer contactless dog walks and virtual meet & greets since many people still need services, but are a little afraid of having people in their homes.

With all of these changes, we try to provide current and relevant content that Google can show potential customers when they’re looking for a pet care company, groomer, dog walking business or even when they look for someone to provide in-home pet nail trims

Read our Google reviews or share your experience with sit-stay-play In-home pet sitting &, Muncie’s BEST pet sitter.

Pet Parents Can Find Us on Google

In order to help spread awareness about us, I’m asking our clients, business associates, friends and family to write a review about our pet care services (or any service we provide). When you take a moment to share how we helped you and your pet you lend credibility to our business.

Here’s some ideas if you don’t know what to write in your review…

–Do you like that we are available for last-minute visits?

–Do you like that you can walk into one of our events and get your pet’s nails cut?

–Did you call on behalf of an aging parent? If so, write a little about that.

–Was this your first time using a dog walker? What did you think?

–If Kelley trimmed your pet’s nails? How did she do?

–Have we given your cat insulin? Share that in your review.

–Is your dog or cat happy to see us when we arrive?

–If you’re a business associate, feel free to give us props and share how we collaborated (if you’re a friend or family member, you probably know how hard Kelley has worked to build the business and she’d appreciate you sharing what you know about that process.)

Did you look for a pet nail trim business on Google? If you found us, can you write a short review?

So What’s in a Google Review?


Seriously, just speak from your heart.

Say what services we’ve provided and how your pets were treated. If your pet sitter went above and beyond the call of duty, please share that.

Let’s say you called on short notice, if we were able to help you, put that in your review.

If you live outside of Muncie, make mention of that because people need to know what cities we serve.

Just be honest.

Keep it simple and short. Three chapter books aren’t necessary, but hey, if you feel the need, go for it!

What Your Google Review Will Do

  • Your review will help other people decide if they want to try our pet care services
  • We’ll garner more positive attention from Google
  • We can rank higher with our SEO and be seen by more people in search results

These three things are just the tip of the iceberg in social media and the SEO game, will you help us?

Additionally, see what other have said – we have testimonials and FAQ’s on this website.

Thanks for your feedback,

Kelley Stewart, President | Pet Sitter
sit-stay-play In-home pet sitting &

P.S. Have you signed your pet up for our free birthday club? Check it out! Anyone can sign their pet up…United States, Europe, Russia, Germany…you’re all welcome!

P.P.S. We’re having a doggy Halloween party Oct. 29…hop on our Facebook page and check out the event!