Thinking about putting your house on the market? If you have pets and you’re looking to sell your home, there’s some things to think about prior to letting the realtor or potential buyers step in the door.
Selling Your Home Can Cause Stress – Especially if Pets are Involved
Here’s some simple things that you can be aware of (and prepare for) before putting the FOR SALE sign in the yard.
Your pets can get stressed with all the comings and goings, cleaning and possible renovation and remodeling.
Our pets often hide when they’re stressed but other times they let us know loud and clear. If your cat has ALWAYS uses the litter box but now he’s peeing on the floor, this is a sign that things are wonky in his world.
But it’s not just pets that get stressed. You can get nervous thinking about all that needs to be done inside/outside your home, how soon you have to close and vacate the premises. Not to mention, stress of finding another place to live can cause anxiety. Your pets can pick up on all of that.
You may panic thinking about your cat or dog sneaking outside when people are entering and exiting.
You may be afraid to let people in because your dog doesn’t like strangers and barks a lot. This can be a huge liability and our services can alleviate that problem.
Getting Ready to Sell Your House? Don’t Forget to Plan for Pet Care!
Homeowners have many tasks to do to get their property in tip-top shape, possibly including things like: making repairs and fixing problems; updating paint colors; removing personal items; cleaning up the yard; staging the home; making sure the home has curb appeal; and planning for pet care, yes that’s right — planning for pet care.
Interested in learning more about how we can help in the home selling process? Click this link or call 765-744-5688 to get started.

How A Pet Sitter Can Help Home Sellers
When a showing is scheduled, it’s ideal when the home is empty. Often times, the seller leaves the dog or cat inside the home and this can distract potential buyers and result in shortened showings or blatant disregard to actually giving your house a chance, especially if the potential buyer doesn’t care for animals.
We Have A Solution for Home Sellers and Realtors in Muncie, Anderson, Indianapolis and Nearby Cities!
Let us help. You can relax because you’ll know sit-stay-play will take care of your pet during the showing.
You can relax and know that potential buyers can look at your property without being distracted.
How We Can Help Your Dog Or Cat During Your Home Showing
Here’s 3 simple ways we can help. Customization is always an option!
#1 – Go for a walk. Depending on the time frame and the temperament and health of your dog, we could take him for a walk or provide a doggy play date outside of the home.
#2 – Take a short trip. We can take Fido to PetSmart in the event of inclement weather or a trip back to the office for social interaction while your home is being shown.
#3 – Crate for the Showing. Your dog can be crated temporarily while the potential buyers are in the home. Typically we come by 30 minutes prior to the showing, spend a little time with your pet, maybe take the dog for a walk outside, then place them in a crate. Once the showing is over, we come back over, clean up any messes, take dog out to potty and get him set for your arrival.

How We Can Help Cats While The Realtor Is Showing Your Home
Cats often get stressed when visitors enter their domain. They might try and hide or even sneak out when someone opens the door.
By hiring us, your kitty can stay happy and safe while the realtor and potential buyers are in your home.
Common services we provide for cats include stopping by your house 30 minutes before the showing to put your cat in a carrier or crate temporarily. We’d come back after the showing is over to let your kitty out.
We can also take your kitty out of the home if you think it’s best. Whatever option you choose, having your pet removed from the home while it’s being shown is a great way to make sure potential buyers are free to inspect the home without worrying about the pets getting out or accidentally injuring someone.
Do We Care For Other Pets?
Yes, of course! We’re pet sitters so we take care of most domestic animals, farm animals and even exotics. We love little gerbils and small caged pets. Should you need care for a snake, guinea pig, parakeet or horse, for example, contact us and we’ll discuss some options.
How Can We Help Realtors?
By providing excellent customer service and a valuable service that most pet parents will need at one time or another, we become a great asset for realtors. We can help by becoming a valuable liaison between them, the buyer and/or seller.
How Do We Become An Asset To The Home Seller And Realtor?
There’s many ways we can become an asset to both the seller and realtor, here’s a few reasons:
- We give the realtor the ability to show the house in the best way possible – free from distractions and in a safe manner;
- Our professional pet care providers can be available on short-notice which is great for last-minute showings; and
- We can help realtors take great care of their customers that have pets and THAT can trickle down into more profit and better relationships.
Pricing for these services are customized and can vary from client to client.
Here’s to buying/selling and connections, cheers!
Kelley Stewart, CEO|Founder
sit-stay-play In-home pet sitting & more.LLC
P.S. To get started, click this link and we’ll email and get you started.